When I gave you my red beating heart, I didn’t take it back. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t. I’m giving love lessons to young minds and making them watch Barbara Streisand and Love Story clips along with other Disney characters in romantic love scenes. Breeding young minds more about love than boxes of chocolates and flowers. What is love? Who do you love the most and why? And the reasons that a five year old gives as opposed to us is not the same at all. So simple to love and so lovely to be so simple. I wanted to write a poem, but I’m out of rhymes and free verse for the moment. There is a hole in my heart, so opted for an essay. I was always good at those. In prose form, I will tell you, my imaginary lover and friend, how I love…deeply, madly, without restraints, with my heart, my soul and truly my mind. Once you get my mind, the complexities of it, the rare forgiveness and spiritual birds it hears, then perhaps you can comprehend my misplaced anger. It can stem from love because it all stems from there. I was loved, ’tis true. I was adored, ’tis true. None of that matters though, because, when someone has the gift of seeing and writing what others are not able to, you feel alone and trapped within your own mind. NO matter how ‘normal’ it all appears to be, inside there is a volcano. A dormant one, like Mont Royal, waiting to erupt. As for love and Valentines’ s, I look at my co-worker and we’re practically in tears, over romance, love scenes, nostalgia, memories and we break into a silly laugh. It’s funny how love simply connects us all.
This is beautiful and palpable.
You’re so sweet. Thank you beautiful. Celebrate love and forget the rest. xx