

June 2, 2018

Expectation will ruin your life.

I wrote that because most people have these unrealistic expectations of their loved ones when they know that they have limitations. I can’t expect my husband to take out the trash when he never does. I can’t be disappointed in my book sales when I don’t promote myself like I need to. I can’t expect my friends to read my mind when I run out of restaurants upset. I hate to feel so much. At the same time, I don’t know what it’s like to feel nothing at all. Most people can’t see the cracks in the sidewalk because they are staring at their phone. I read a whold book on a plane and had time to drink. I feel that expectations should be kicked away as far away from reality as possible. Paths have a way of turning into gravel and detour signs are more prevalent now more than ever.

I am working on a book, a journal, a new life.

Chapters don’t need headings all the time.

Life needs to be unpredictable at times.






  1. Important message! My grandma used to say, “your loved one will fail you. God is the only one who never will.”
    I think expectations are good, but like you explain, they can’t be unrealistic.
    Although, high expectations can show you believe.

      1. You’re very welcome!

  2. mihrank says:

    you made such powerful statement, precise to our daily journey…

    1. Chrissy says:

      Thank you so much!

  3. Unpredictability is a beautiful thing and particularly the imagery cum expression. I agree, no point expecting shit loads for it harms us more than doing good. It’s better to flush out expectations!

  4. Livinia Ren says:

    Good luck with your book

    1. Chrissy says:

      Thank you so much!

    1. Chrissy says:

      Thank you so much!

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