Thank you for finding me
when you did. I started to
doubt your existence.
You’re not real, I whisper.
I can’t see you in front of me
behind me
on top of me
under me
in all the places you said you’d be.
I listen too closely to lies.
It feels as if death is here
to see you four times in forty years.
The Universe plays tricks
on soul mates. It promises
meeting places then always
falls through
cracks of miscommunication
too much information.
I meant to stay longer five years ago
but you would have fed off
my loneliness like grapes
during sex.
I meant to kiss you back
but I’m married.
I’m faithful to faith
and where is the path?
The crescent moon and pink sky
is so forgiving of me.
Ever present.
I’m too patient, too forgiving.
I want to hate you
but I won’t. Ever.
I want to love you
but I can’t. Never.
So I shall read A Thousand Nights
and ponder how poets
lament on birds and cocks.
Thanks again for your patience.
I don’t deserve it.