
Poetry Book is Out

July 17, 2016

Hello everyone,

I am so excited to announce that my poetry book is out. I have worked so long on this book and I have self-published it.  Thank you so much for supporting me and my work.

Much love to all of you.

Chrissy x

Christina Strigas



  1. Captain Q says:

    Christina, would you find if I reblog this?

  2. Captain Q says:

    Reblogged this on Captain Q and commented:
    This a great book of poetry that I am very happy to have on my bookshelf. Do yourself a favor & add it to yours.

    1. Chrissy says:

      This is another one lol! Thank you!

      1. Captain Q says:

        I feel dumb now. shit. hold on, let me edit that..

  3. mySestina says:

    Many congratulations Chrissy!!

    1. Chrissy says:

      Thank you so much. Xo

  4. Chrissy says:

    That’s so funny! No, so this is my poetry book and The other one is my chapbook, completely different poems (maybe one or two are in my collection ) lol. Thanks Casey xxx

  5. Yay! Congratulations! <3

    1. Chrissy says:

      Thank you so much Carisa xo

  6. Ameena k.g says:

    What a beautiful and eye catching covet. Congratulations! I believe the former one was a chap book right? Wishing you all the very best

    1. Chrissy says:

      Yes, my first one was a chapbook and this is my full length poetry book. Thank you Ameena. Kate Theodosiou did the cover and the illustrations in my book.

  7. Congratulations, I’ll reblog it 🙂

    1. Chrissy says:

      Thank you so much Richard. Grateful xo

  8. Reblogged this on Richard M. Ankers and commented:
    Check it out, Christina has a new book out. 🙂

  9. KJoyWrites says:


  10. Congratulations, Christina!

    1. Chrissy says:

      Thank you so much!

      1. My pleasure. A wonderful accomplishment.

  11. Congratulations Lovely! Be very proud of yourself…well done! xo

  12. Chrissy says:

    Thank you Sarah x

  13. Chrissy says:

    Reblogged this on Christina Strigas and commented:

    Thank yo so much for all the support of my poetry book. 🙂

  14. Chrissy says:

    Thank you 🙂

  15. Chrissy says:

    Hi! Thank you so much my dear. Humbled c

  16. Reblogged this on newauthoronline and commented:
    The very best of luck to the poet with her sales. Kevin

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