
Book cover reveal

June 25, 2016

Dear readers.
This is the book cover for my soon to be released poetry book. For everyone that has stuck with me along this publishing to self-publishing ride, all I can say is :I thank you. I curtsy and applaud all writers who self-publish. It’s hard enough to put together a book, let alone publishing it. I pulled my fucking hair out along the way so many times. So many hours of staring at my laptop wondering what the fuck did I do now? For instance, clicking on accept instead of revise and somehow or other led to some scammers and hackers…then my husband took the phone and told them where to stick it as I sat there wondering I thought I was talking to kindlepublishing sales team.

Drink a bit more.

Then praying that my chapbook is formatted properly because I clicked the wrong button. Refusing to pay someone 1,900 dollars to do it for me. How hard could it be?

Hard. Then not so hard.

Now I am doing it all over again. This book is edited and waiting for final print format. Waiting is fine. A relief actually to let others do their thing.

When you trust a publishing company to publish you, when you give them your money, your words, parts of yourself you can’t take back, it hurts when they disappoint you and the writing community. I don’t care about the money I lost, I care about integrity, loyalty. Twenty-four year old bosses who take advantage of poets, who promise them dreams and take them away. I received a paypal amount but no sales report, no termination letter, and on and on how the lies piled up for me and my fellow poets under this company.

It’s never water under the bridge. You just learn to swim because drowning is not an option.

Hence my title, In My Own Flood.

I will keep you posted as to when I publish my full-length poetry book, not much longer now…and I thank you for reading my work.

A huge thank you to Kate Theodosiou for the illustration. My sweet soul sister I have never met.

Best regards,

Chrissy x


Christina Strigas



  1. MyoPaname says:

    Très jolie couverture de livre… Très poétique …
    Je te souhaite le meilleur 😉

    1. Chrissy says:

      Merci beaucoup pour le sentiment 🙂 on a travaillé fort pour exprimer avec l’illustration les mots poétique.

      1. MyoPaname says:

        Il y a une vraie cohérence entre la couverture du livre er les mots à lire… C’est réussi ! Bravo !
        C’est extraordinaire de voire naitre son livre…

        1. Chrissy says:

          Oui, vraiement une reve, merci x

  2. Dustin says:

    Oh my gosh, I am love with this cover!! So you’ll have this collection and “Your Ink On My Soul,” or is it a revised version with a new title?

    I had no idea that the publishers ran you around the ringer (pardon the expression,) as harshly as this. Chrissy, this sounds AWFUL and I am really sorry…

    I’m super excited about this publication!!!! Just let me know if/when I can help spread the word across social media. I love to help.:)

    1. Chrissy says:

      This is another book. Thank you Dustin, it’s been a crazy ride, but I did it. Soon, will let you know when it’s done. One or two weeks. Final stage now xo

  3. Dustin says:

    Reblogged this on Flaggfan and commented:
    I am incredibly proud of my friend and poet, Christina Stringas, and all that she’s accomplished thus far. I know this is only beginning, too. I feel honored to share the news of her upcoming poetry collection. Won’t you join her?

    1. Dustin says:

      Awesome! I’m so glad the craziness is almost over, and you’re all the better for it. It’s wonderful that you’re keeping so busy! You’re most welcome. I look forward to hearing from you again soon. ((((Hugs))))

      1. Chrissy says:

        Thank you !!!!

  4. Only if the Skin is healthy enough to peel can we truly be free of self doubt and reveal

    1. Chrissy says:

      can never be free of self-doubt unfortunately
      it is in the cracks between the skin
      no matter how much you reveal
      there is always more to the layers

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