
wild imagination 

February 16, 2016


Christina Strigas



  1. Erika Kind says:

    That is profound and motivates to do all the things we would like to!

    1. Chrissy says:

      i hope that inspires you, thank you Erika shatzi x

  2. Agree with you on that. Deep words. Something I sorely miss doing.

    1. Chrissy says:

      then you must do now.

  3. The things we never did….the things you did with someone else 🙁

    1. Chrissy says:

      yes, all those things can eat you up or write poetry lol

      1. Alas, I can’t write poetry…I can only write sad stories….LOL

        1. Chrissy says:

          you can do anything

          1. Ha. I used to think I could. Thanks for saying that! 🙂

          2. I think I already have but there is still just a bit of hope that I haven’t managed to lose quite yet.

          3. Chrissy says:

            there’s a bit of hope left I’m sure. xo

  4. HemmingPlay says:

    >Me, too.< (Imagine a thought bubble around that one.)

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