
This is me in the 1920’s.

February 8, 2016

[wpvideo TJeiNRgJ]

Christina Strigas



  1. You’ve aged well 😉

    1. Chrissy says:

      just like a movie star lol :)))

  2. Who’s your plastic surgeon? LOL.

    1. Chrissy says:

      i’m a vampire duh

      1. I was just kidding….maybe my humor got lost…. LOL.

        1. Chrissy says:

          i was being sarcastic lol I was on your blog but struggling to understand what your post is referring to? a narcissistic ? that we know?

          1. His “name” is “malignnarc.” He sells books under the moniker of H G Tudor. The post about Lesley is just horrible. It’s not the latest one (he posted today) but I think it’s the one before that….and yes, he is a real narcissist. The last part, of course, is about another real narcissist….my ex.

          2. Chrissy says:

            I had no idea. thanks x

  3. Erika Kind says:

    Wow! You still look amazing! Haha… what a funny idea. This is so cute!

    1. Chrissy says:

      thank you Erika!

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