

July 2, 2015

if you could just dare

to fuck the art in me.

the kind of sex

that would put

us both on fire.

the part where you

never leave in

the morning. i

disappoint you

all the time,

with my past,

my present,

my unstable future.

if you could just dare

to love me,

none of it would even matter.


(this will be in my poetry book in a section with no titles)



Christina Strigas



    1. Chrissy says:

      🙂 xx kisses and hugs xo

  1. bfffg says:

    Glorious, intense. 😉

    1. Chrissy says:

      thank you – appreciate that. 🙂

  2. Chrissy says:

    that was inspire by a prompt on Instagram – sometimes all I need is a word that gets the thoughts boiling. thanks so much 🙂 you can interpret them any way you want Hamlet! lol

  3. Cnawan Fahey says:

    Can’t get over those provactive first lines….so powerful on a couple of levels…..I don’t usually speak this way, but sticking with your language, your image calls to mind one time when I fucked a woman because she had said something so intelligent and insightful, I just had to have her….

    1. Chrissy says:

      well glad to bring back some of those lucid memories! lol
      thanks for reading me.

      1. Cnawan Fahey says:


  4. Chrissy says:

    that is too funny! I’m literally laughing out loud! You made my day, as usual xx
    too much. old but not dead,I hear you!

  5. Eric Syrdal says:

    Rawr…and yumm…..and….awwww….. (wonderful) Love it! 🙂

    1. Chrissy says:

      ThAnks Eric x

      1. Eric Syrdal says:

        You are most welcome, Christina!

  6. Chrissy says:

    you’re crazy lol

    1. georgeforfun says:

      Is that a private or professional observation?
      The Marines agreed with you somewhere around 1971 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

      1. Chrissy says:

        You’re too much;) thank you for making me smile all the time! 🙂 people like you are rare. Now I’m going to write a poem – back later. xx

    1. georgeforfun says:

      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

      1. Chrissy says:

        have a super day x

        1. georgeforfun says:

          and a great one to you ))))))))))))))))))) xoxoxo

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