
Love or Lust

July 1, 2015

first it’s my eyes

then it’s your heart

pounding. your kiss

lights my soul. my

love for you empties

the darkness. what’s

left of us? you ask.

the lust. the desire.

your arms around me,

drowning my river

turning me slowly

into all you crave.

love and lust me.

my body and soul

and mind

are waiting.

as are my legs

ready to wrap them

around your waist.

Christina Strigas



  1. stupend christina…….


    1. Chrissy says:

      Grazie Marcello e bongiourno!

      1. buongiorno a te mia cara chrissy….


  2. Erika Kind says:

    Whooo, that was very sensual! Great!

    1. Chrissy says:

      Glad you enjoyed Erika! You are truly too KIND 🙂

      1. Erika Kind says:

        Haha… thank you!!!

  3. Beautiful and evocative. Love or lust, a concept we invented. They say Need is in the equation for actualisation, and the other parts (of the equation) are?

    1. Chrissy says:

      I have no clue!
      Your comments are refreshing though and I love to read them. 🙂

      1. Thanks Dear! Refreshing is a great word. A beer for the hair of the dog, a dip in a cool pool, or a lover that changed her name to sit next to you at a banquet. I love some tropical birds, don’t you?

        1. Chrissy says:

          I know the macaw. Not that much into exotic birds…lol

  4. Eric Syrdal says:

    Lust always gets such a bad reputation. Thanks for helping us to understand it’s the match-strike to Love’s inferno!

    Brilliant as always, Christina!

    1. Chrissy says:

      I’m still confused! lol
      Thanks Eric for reading and your lovely comments. xx

  5. literally says:

    Reblogged this on smilingtomyself and commented:

    1. Chrissy says:

      thank you so much for sharing my poem. x

    2. Chrissy says:

      Thank you for sharing my poetry❤️

  6. Jarrod C says:

    Excellent work Chrissy…you have such a way with words!

    1. Chrissy says:

      Thank you Jarrod. Big hugs!

    1. Chrissy says:

      thanks Annie, you are too kind! xx

  7. SandyHibbard says:

    absolutely beautiful!

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