The day before is the day I know
you are not who you claim to be
you do not know me like you think
I stopped telling you lies
and speak the truth now
but you only see clouds
dead end streets
days that don’t exist
nights that never happened
you say hallelujah
as if anything changed
but the tarot reader is a fake
and the day before I see you
I plan to not tell you my fortune
is a pack of lies in a cigarette box
I smoked a long time ago.
The day before you leave to meet me
do not risk it all for me
do not make up a truth
it will all be a lie
delete it all
pretend I do not breathe
I need to lay in bed
and decipher the meaning of the sky
I see through ceilings now
and read your broken heart
from the other side of the city.