
Closer to loving you

September 21, 2015

It could have happened sooner,

if you had let me go

but, no

let me not love you, i said.

two joints over the jewels

you intend to buy.

She said

i was ready to trust

my instincts,

only put up those walls, my darling

you’re too giving.

don’t want to see you

in my spirit guide.

don’t trust the animal.

My sweet intelligence

is my curse. Keep my

one eye open.

i can feel the earth’s

sadness: my morning

tears, the ones you feel

from miles away

as you turn the key

to my heart.

depends on the song;

my serendipity mood

the phases of the moon,

the clouds, the sunset time,

my misplaced dyslexic words.

Kiss down

my nervous energy

warm my hands

with yours.


back the romance.

just make the voices

fucking stop

no rhymes in paradise

only peace

to the sound of my heartbeats

turn off notifications

no internet connection

shut the blinds

open my heart

its glowing

bright orange.

free me

and undress

my wounds.

Christina Strigas



  1. this is extraordinary.

    1. Chrissy says:

      thank you my friend xx hugs

  2. rumblefishbone66 says:

    What an incredible poem so many images and various situations all tied together Wow so well Done Christina !

  3. CC says:

    Your words here are deeply felt. Beautiful poem. I love the pairing with this song. -CC

    1. Chrissy says:

      Thank you so much CC and welcome

    2. Chrissy says:

      I mean welcome to my blog.

      1. CC says:

        Thanks..looking very much forward to it.. thank you for taking the time to read and like/follow mine. I am not very good at searching WP. I am always honored when this happens and I get to find blogs such as yours. So Ty. 🙂 -CC

        1. Chrissy says:

          Thank you CC! I love your stuff too. Ending my day and sending you a welcoming song. have a good one! Xx

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