
In the mood for some Anne

July 24, 2015

Hey guys and gals, this is one of the poems I read over and over because every time I read it

it changes like this bloody Montreal weather forecast, like my moods. Enjoy the poem and try

not to analyze too much. Let it flow.

Love to you all and thanks for reading. In five days will see the ocean and be on vacay so I wish everyone a great rest of the summer and will be on and off/ inconsistent / but always here.


Chrissy x

Us by Anne Sexton

I was wrapped in black
fur and white fur and
you undid me and then
you placed me in gold light
and then you crowned me,
while snow fell outside
the door in diagonal darts.
While a ten-inch snow
came down like stars
in small calcium fragments,
we were in our own bodies
(that room that will bury us)
and you were in my body
(that room that will outlive us)
and at first I rubbed your 
feet dry with a towel
because I was your slave
and then you called me princess.

Oh then
I stood up in my gold skin
and I beat down the psalms
and I beat down the clothes
and you undid the bridle
and you undid the reins
and I undid the buttons,
the bones, the confusions,
the New England postcards,
the January ten o'clock night,
and we rose up like wheat,
acre after acre of gold,
and we harvested,
we harvested.
Christina Strigas



  1. Hope you have a great time, Chrissy. 🙂

    1. Chrissy says:

      Thank you Richard. x

  2. Vacation and the ocean are good for the soul! Enjoy. Wonderful writing as always Chrissy:-)

  3. I just read the second book by Anne sexton’s daughter. Loved this.

    1. Chrissy says:

      I haven’t read her work. will look into it. which one?

      1. It is by Linda grey Sexton she wrote two. The most recent is the best. Its called legacy of suicide bit don’t let the title put u PFF there’s a lot to it. Xx

        1. Chrissy says:

          Thanks will check it out.

  4. hey poet, I’ve accepted a writing challenge and I am nominating you; the info is on my latest blog post. I hope to connect with you there and that you’re up for the challenge of posting a poem and quote a day, for 3 days!

    1. Chrissy says:

      hey poet, i would love to do it, but leaving for vacation and no time but will check it out anyways and try my best, but no promises. thanks for thinking of moi. x

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