artists | lovers | Old MOntreal | poem | soul mates | streams of consicousness | walking | writers | writing
you wandered inside my mind
and got lost. you asked me
why do you write? because
i feel the words the way
you feel the sunshine on
your skin. because i want
to tear apart the demons.
because the words i hide
are the ones that come back
like a magician’s tricks.
because i told you, i have
no fucking choice. he woke me
up at midnight with violent
blue eyes and soft gently hands
only to thunder my soul with want.
i don’t want to read your poems.
i love everything about you and nothing
to do with what you write.
you know half of me.
you know all of me.
you know you can’t escape
yourself, baby.
he makes me crazy
with wanting and i tell him
everything. truth serum is
my vodka at scarlet
restaurants with
mobsters ordering
salmon tartare as if
they know everything about
fine cuisine, but nouveau
riche stay under the radar
no matter how their lambos
look in valet parking. try harder.
want less. the trick is to
keep breathing in tiny
made up gardens looking
for truth in empty champagne bottles.
it’s bullshit and Old Montreal is
holding my memories the way it
held my heart. we walked into
the pub and once again
I was the barmaid and you were
my man. nothing much changes,
just rust is added, some wrinkles,
some new buildings, old joints
still around to draw me closer
to you. i can’t escape anything
about your manic attraction.
i don’t know who i’m trying
to fool.
I’m out of breath and I love it!

Thank you May xxx
Wow! Fiery. I like!
i’ve been called that before! lol
thanks Lisa.
Reblogged this on georgeforfun.
Thank you George! You’re the best. Seriously. STop spoiling me. lol
Have a great day. xxx hugz
Love, love, love this!
Thanks Georgette appreciate you telling me. xx
I LOVE THE DIRECTOR’S CUT! Still wonderful, C!!!!
thank you Eric xx
Me too Chrissy ,” out of breath ” …. Gorgeous , haunting with words of the night …you are so courageous and I hear your voice strong …with love …..megxxx
thank you Meg xxx
It’s almost painful to read your poetry, because it resonates with a very deep part of your heart, slicing right through. I often don’t realize I haven’t taken a breath until I’ve come to the end. You really must push yourself toward getting this out there for all the country and world to see. I am absolutely in love with your beautiful, insightful, and breathtaking poetry. Every single one is amazingly a perfect work of art with its own inner meanings and depths. So incredibly lovely
Wow what a compliment. Thanks Darryl. I am actually getting it published with a publishing company from California, 451 Press. I am working on it now, should be out within a year’s time. I have so much to do! Not an easy task to put a poetry book together. I thank you for reading and will post often. that one will be in the book!
Spectacular. I’ll be the first to grab a copy. I wish you the best of luck with all your endeavors.
Thank you tremendously. X
Fkn fantastic love!
thank you xx
My pleasure Chrissy
yes! lol
Well, I was raised to listen to strong women or learn how to duck frying pans and rolling pins. I was better at listening, thank goodness. Even a hard head can be dented with a cast iron skillet aimed properly.
<3 (๑̀ ͜ʖ๑́) <3
lol that’s hilarious.
Sometimes truth is stranger/more interesting as fiction. <3 (๑̀ ͜ʖ๑́) <3
Yes! It certainly is xx
Have a great weekend George. xx
TY and I wish the same to you, dear Chrissy.
<3 (๑̀ ͜ʖ๑́) <3.