The music plays and dinner is in the oven
shake my ass to all the senses
jump over suburban fences
so modern men and women
don’t see me at night
up late with one burning light
is she having sex in the kitchen
black sabbath singing about
evil minds that plot destruction
and romance is kicked to another new fashion
immediate satisfaction
as long letters are forgotten
history books
speak of war
and I want to know
if you can feel the sunrise
and sunset as I do
or is all this talk
another way to block
the truth –
Is there more?
For sure, you perfect
the poetic muse,
know how to rhyme
the right words that fuse
mystery, need, desire
all the lust of a burning fire
between the legs
and you know how this begs
for another visit
with no time limit.
I want to see the horizon
with you
in your arms
surrounded by your undeniable charms
and all the girls and boys that ran away
from us
know that we can only give so much
board the soul up with no touch
until an inferno erupts
and the sex drive
is the only logic we strive
to aim for
to need
like an addict needs speed.
Sex and heat
close up
real and
The night is always young for souls like us
that don’t really sleep
that live in dreams
and dream awake.
Artists know the path
to one another
is never clear cut
love the bumps
the unexpected rain
and still you see my
shimmering pants
when no one else noticed.
There was this chain
around your wrist
that I particularly stared at
it was touching your skin
and all the alcohol
and your eyes the colour of the tempered sky
all this did me in
so much attraction
magnets would have been jealous
the more I think about it
the more I confess.
Lovely. and as the cliche’ goes (truly) “Thanx for sharing”
Thank you so much. Appreciate. Humbled.