I will disappoint you
so don’t come back for more
you did the best thing leaving
don’t walk back through that door
I’m full of bullshit, lies and heartache
turn elsewhere for sympathy and ads
I know of pain and healing
(how the stars shine for me on cloudy days)
only I can see it
up and down the stairs with bags
cutting out love with hashtags
who cares about the dead
the ones I’d like to talk to
I don’t know what words come out
or why they do
or what they fucking mean
it’s art
gravy on poutine
so bad for you, yet so tasty
I can’t believe people even like what I have to say
I swear it’s on the fly
stupid mundane thoughts
that I should hideaway
Plath would never read it
and you should never concede it
dreams are so vivid
how seeds are planted wisely
spread out all over my body
nipples can react to mostly anything
cold, words, heat, you
the words I would like to tell you
should be the ones
I would keep to myself
up until the day
I look into your eyes
and if that day never comes
I will never compromise.